Knights Helping Knights Pantry: Get Involved
Get Involved: Donate and Make a Difference
The Knights Helping Pantry at Rosen College relies on the support of our campus community. Food donations can be dropped off at the Pantry, Room 101C, accessible through the foyer of the Darden Auditorium lobby.
during pantry hours, Mondays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or in donation bins located around campus.
Click here for a list of Items in High Demand
The Knights Pantry at Rosen College also accepts monetary donations to ensure that food is available to meet the needs of our students. For information on making a monetary donation, please e-mail You may also make a financial contribution through the UCF Foundation. Visit and select RCHM Knights Pantry in the drop down menu.
Sponsor a Food Drive:
We could not keep the shelves stocked without Food Drives sponsored by our campus and community partners. We encourage student organizations, our alumni, campus departments and any group that wants to make an immediate positive impact on our students in need to host a Food Drive.
If you are interested in hosting a Food Drive to benefit the Knights Pantry at Rosen College, contact our Pantry Team at to get started.
Become a Volunteer:
Student volunteers help us keep our doors open at the Knights Pantry at Rosen College. The more student volunteers we have the more hours the pantry will be open to help students in need. The benefits of volunteering include boasting your self-esteem, expanding your connections, makes you feel good, gives you a purpose, combats stress, teaches you new skills and it looks good on a resume. You’ll make a positive impact on your fellow students and our campus community.
If you are interested in volunteering at the Knights Pantry at Rosen College, e-mail